
Cross-artform creations and collaborations

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Australian Theatre Forum 2011!

I'm back enthused and invigorated from the 2011 Australian Theatre Forum in Brisbane! What a feast of 'connections and convictions', I feel so lucky to have been able to attend (and get some sun in the process!). Huge thanks to the Victorian Theatre Network, the ATF team and all the fabulous theatre makers and arts workers I got to chat, dream, play and plan with.
I'll be putting my head down now to complete my Masters Research 'Sensing Spaces' but have lots of ideas up my sleeve for works in Ballarat and beyond so watch this space (and tune in Thursday nights for my arts and music radio show The Tinderbox!)
Here is Brisbane's amazing arts space The Powerhouse (hosts of the forum above) and me cosying up to TNV's Anna Kelsey Sugg : )
And in the spirit of generosity of knowledge, support and ideas, big thanks to Anna Yen and Jeff Turpin who opened their home to me, complete with goat skin musical instruments and Macedonian dancing! 
Big love,

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